Thursday, May 28, 2009

Project Bidding

04-0120S4 | List of Bid Items | Contract Plans and Special Provisions | See addenda
This project has a mandatory pre-bid meeting
Construct Bridges, Roadway And Install Electrical System.
04-SF-80-12.7/13.2 * Date Advertised 08/11/2008
Bids Opening in Sacramento * Bids Open 12/15/2009
Estimate: $167,000,000
In The City And County Of San Francisco From The Yerba Buena Tunnel To 0.6 Km East Of Yerba Buena Tunnel
The Contractor must have either a Class A license or any combination of the following Class C licenses which constitutes a majority of the work: C-8, C-50.
1320 Working Days * 5% DVBE Requirement * Cost per set: Bidders: $100, Non-bidders: $93
Subs/Suppliers:Opt In | 0 prime contractors looking for help | Primes:Advertise for help | See 115 opt-in records
See Non-Bidding Planholders | See Bidding Planholders

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