Thursday, May 28, 2009

Will adding pea gravel to the non-shrink grout mix be a benefit?

Mark S.

Q. We have a situation where we require 8 ½ inches of grout under a single story column base plate. The grout will be surrounded by a 3,000 Psi concrete slab, except for the top 1” which will be exposed.
The Engineer is concerned that 8 ½” deep grout will crack and possibly shrink away from the base plate. Please comment. We are scheduled to place the slab June 2nd.

A. To your question, Will adding pea gravel to the mix be a benefit? Most definitely and it is required and so noted in our technical data sheet (attached) ; we state that for placements greater than 3" in depth to add up to 25# of clean washed 3/8" peastone.
At the great depth you are going I would add 25# of 1/2" or 3/4" stone, as the surface area of this size stone
is less than the 3/8" stone and, for a given amount of water, the workability will be better.
There should not be a problem with cracking if the instructions in our current technical data sheet are followed, and, if the grout is restrained vertically (extended out beyond the base plate can result in cracking).

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